Same-Day Delivery Obstacles

6 Same-Day Delivery Obstacles You Could Face


The advent of online establishments has helped businesses connect with their audience more conveniently. An example is faster delivery services, especially same-day delivery. By offering same-day services, businesses can decrease the cost of the service. However, this doesn’t always answer high prices due to same-day shipping. Companies need to look for different solutions to make their services profitable and avoid same-day delivery obstacles.

Here are 6 obstacles you could face when rolling out same-day delivery services.

1. Bad Routing

Bad routing means that your delivery trucks are going through the wrong routes. They should be going to the place where the orders tell them to.

If the driver is not delivering in the right place, the order will take longer to reach its destination. It can be delayed by a whole day which can be disastrous for your business.

2. Long Travel Distances

One of the reasons why same-day shipping is not always the best option for businesses is that delivery distance may take longer. Some companies are located in places far from the established area of their customers. This can be a hurdle to delivering the order on time.

3. Poorly Organized Inventory

Since your inventory will have to have a lot of products, you need to make sure that they are organized. You can have the same products nearby so you can quickly deliver them.

This can help your drivers do their job in the right way. An inventory that is not well organized will cost you time and money when you need to search for a specific product.

4. Bad Tracking System

A tracking system is necessary when you deliver to your customers on time. This is to make sure that your driver is doing what he is supposed to do.

You can use a GPS tracker and assign a particular number to it. Then, you can easily track the number to be sure that your drivers are getting to their destination.

5. Inconsistent Drivers

Driver inconsistency can be a problem when rolling out same-day shipping services. Some drivers will be better than others when it comes to delivering the order on time.

You need to have regular training for your drivers to ensure they know to deliver the order on time, every time.

6. Inefficient Delivery Process

You might also run into problems when you have a process that is not efficient. This is when things are not organized, and there is miscommunication.

You need to have a team of people who can work together to deliver the order on time. This will include the delivery people, truck drivers, and customer service agents. If there is miscommunication and things are not organized, your order will not be delivered on time.


Same-day delivery can be an excellent tool for e-commerce businesses if they are well-managed. However, to use it effectively, you need to know the disadvantages and how to improve them.

Combat these struggles with the help of FlashBox. We offer all-in-one delivery services that will bring products right to your customer’s door. Contact us today to learn more!

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