same day delivery

Enhance Your Online Sales by Providing a 5-Star Delivery Service


Customers like to get their orders quickly, and you can make them happy when you offer speedy delivery service. Same-day, next-day, and last-mile delivery are all ways you can show your customers that you care about getting products to them quickly and safely.

Some of the ways signing on with FlashBox can help include: 

1. The Right Software

Using the right software to implement your delivery service can mean all the difference in getting products to your customers on time. Our step-by-step training helps you communicate with your customers while they are receiving the best service you can offer. Algorithms help sync delivery times and routes to help ensure speedy right-to-the-front-door delivery in record time.

2. Notifications and Tracking

Customers like to know exactly where their packages are and when to expect delivery. The more precise you can be, the better informed and happier your customers will be. You might not be able to pin down an exact time when you send notifications out, but a window of two to three hours can mean a lot for someone waiting for an item they ordered online. While they are waiting for delivery, let your 5-star delivery service include a tracking option so they can find out the location of their order while it is in transit.

3. Last Mile Delivery

Last-mile delivery helps ensure that your savings translate to savings for your customers. Using best practices in shipping like making sure your trucks and other transportation are full and not just carrying a few packages. Using the best-maintained but less crowded roadways can cut down on gas and repair trucks from point A to point B. Many companies are testing out the use of drones for delivery to cut down on costs. It can all add up to increased sales and improved customer service. 

4. Communicate with Your Customers

Communication is a critical component in any business. Your customers will feel valued when they know they can trust you to let them know what they can expect. Mistakes happen; delivery issues can slow delivery time, but let your customers know when there is a problem. If you have already built a bond based on trust, they are more apt to understand when a shipment is late or undeliverable for some reason.

Any changes in your delivery service, whether your prices or packaging need to be disclosed to your customers with as much notice as possible. Showing respect goes both ways, and they will respect you more if you are upfront with them. Of course, you hope to offer them the lowest prices possible with the best 5-star delivery service, but prices do change, and life happens. Be upfront with good news and not so good to keep lines of communication open so they know they can trust that you have their best interests in mind. 

Check out FlashBox today and request a quote for your same-day delivery needs. You will find that your online sales increase when you implement a five-star delivery service.

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