Top 3 Strategies to Reduce Delivery Costs


When it comes to shipping costs, you may be asking how small businesses can compete? With shipping costs rising every year, you may be questioning how more prominent brands benefit from greater shipping savings. There are many ways you can reduce your delivery costs. For instance, including choosing third-party insurance providers, going prepaid, and offering same-day delivery.

Today’s post will cover all the ways you can look to reduce your delivery costs as a small (or large) business.

Decrease the shipping distance

If you’re paying high shipping costs, you may want to look at where exactly you’re shipping to. Brands that pay more in shipping fees are likely shipping to destinations that are far away. The further away from the destination, the more expensive it is to ship. To save money, consider eliminating your shipping within costly zones and switching to a better shipping option – same-day delivery.

Weigh your packages and reduce their dimensions

Shipping heavy items are usually the reason behind hefty shipping costs. Unless you are using flat-rate shipping, you may want to consider investing in a postage scale. This will give you an idea of the weight of each package, allowing you to calculate costs more effectively.

You can also try and reduce the dimensions of the package as much as possible; depending on the size of the item using smaller boxes is sure to reduce delivery costs.

Go prepaid to reduce delivery costs

When opting to use prepaid shipping, you can expect to save up to 20%. All you need to do is buy a batch of shipping labels and then simply put them on each package before sending them out. This will eliminate the need to pay for each parcel individually. If you sell products that you know weigh the same, this is ideal for your company.

Use third-party insurance

Shipping insurance is likely to vamp up your shipping costs significantly. Depending on the value of the items you’re sending, you may want to consider third-party insurance. They usually offer cheaper rates than sticking with your shipping carrier.

Offer same-day delivery to reduce delivery costs

Offering same-day delivery can be very beneficial for your business for several reasons. As well as keeping up with consumer demand and triggering repeat purchases, it can also help companies to maintain their own fleet to handle same-day deliveries. In the long run, you will be able to operate at the lowest cost while offering integrated logistics solutions.


In short, these are 5 ways you can reduce delivery costs for your business. Consider using these when re-evaluating your business. If you are looking to implement same-day delivery to your business, consider using FlashBox. At FlashBox, FlashBox helps you delight your customers and give them the same-day delivery experience. Talk with one of our delivery experts today about your delivery needs

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